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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Microsoft's New Internal Debate

Microsoft is debating whether the next Xbox has to be profitable on a per-unit basis from the day it's released, or

LightSquared: The Answer to U.S. wireless competition?

LightSquared, a company that most cell phone subscribers have never heard of, is building a nationwide wireless broadband network that it hopes will rival the nation's largest providers AT&T and Verizon Wireless.

Hard Drives vs. Solid-State Drives

With the rise of solid-state drives in computers, iPods, and cell phones, the costs are starting to come down.  But have you every wondered how the worked?  First you need to know how the predecessors, the conventional hard drives that make a lot of noise and heat, work.

10 Reasons Why Apple's iPad, iPhone is Popular

If there is one thing that can't be debated in the technology industry, it's that Apple's iPad and the company's iPhone are wildly successful.