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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Verizon LTE Network Crashed Nationwide

Verizon’s 4G LTE Network is down nationwide, forcing those with an HTC Thunderbolt or a 4G hotspot to suffer along with near dial-up speeds.

Sprint Announces Nexus S 4G

Sprint today announced that the Samsung Nexus S will arrive May 8 with a $199 price tag.

Apple Announces New iPhone

Apple® today announced that the white iPhone® 4 will be available beginning tomorrow.

Nook Color gets Froyo

As the company promised, Barnes & Noble has delivered a software update to its 7-inch NOOK Color devices that push them still more in the direction of a general-purpose Android tablet, and away from being a standalone e-book reader.

American Forces choose an OS for their Joint Battle Command Platform

American forces choose the operating system for their Joint Battle Command Platform Handheld.