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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

iOS 5 Wishlist

As of now, Apple has said nothing about iOS 5, iPhone 5, or the iPad 3 so essentially, none of the rumored items exist.  But what if I were to be able to chose what new features would go into the new products; that's really what this is about.  {Disclaimer:  For cell phone, I am an Android/Verizon customer.  I own the latest model iPod Touch but I do Not nor have I ever owned an iPhone.  I have only been able to play with the iPhone 4 and that was the 'sample/play' product.  I cannot say that I have been able to use and mess with any of the iPhones}  I would love to see your guys' (generalized) ideas and your particular iOS 5 wishlist.
My wish list:

  • Skype.  Since I am an iPod touch user, I don't have access the phone part.  Airgo, a solution would be Skype.  I realize why Apple wouldn't want to allow Skype to have any access to the iPod touch.  
  • Slide-out/clam-shell type keyboard.  I'm part of the small number of the population that despises using on-screen keyboards
  • Chrome.  I'm okay if the browser is FireFox or, god forbid, Internet Explorer, but I hate Safari and I, personally, would pay more for access to other web browsers.  This also extends to Android OS.  
{As I get more ideas, I will add them until Apple announces iOS 5.  I welcome all comments on this and all posts.  I currently don't have any of the comments pass through me first.  They are published right away.  My personal belief is that the US Constitution's 1st Amendment (which talks about the freedom of speech) extends to the Internet and blogs.  I will keep the comments setting as-is as long as everything is kept G rated.  Thanks}

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