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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New WiFi Standard?

If your not a techy, then you are probably already confused by the whole Wireless A, Wireless B, Wireless G, and Wireless N,  or, more accurately, 802.11 (wifi under the IEEE) a/b/g/n deal.  However, a new WiFi standard has been finalized recently and several home routers running this new standard were announced yesterday at the Consumer Electronics Showcase (CES).

The new standard, called 802.11ac already has several routers and chips prepared to hit the consumer market here in the US.  For home routers, both Trendnet and D-Link both now have products that will be able to take full advantage of the new standard.  However, you cannot take full advantage of the technology if you don't have a computer that can accept the new signal.  On the card side, Broadcom has announced, again at CES, four cards that will be on the computer side to send and receive the new signals.

D-Link has said that all of their products that are compatible with 802.11ac will also be compatible with 802.11n.

Now, no real stats of the new standard have been announced (or at least, I haven't been able to find any information).  I will update this post as necessary.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get the new WIFI. Thanks to tech junky news for that I can read about it ONLINE. YOUR the best.

Anonymous said...

ur a faget

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