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Friday, April 8, 2011

iPad 2 for Sale in: Toys 'R' Us????

Apple is exploring a different market segment as its ubiquitous iPad 2 tablets now find their way to toy stores.
Although rumors about the iPad and other Apple products are rampant, this information comes from a none other than a “Toys ‘R’ Us” employee.
It is no rumor that the iPad 2 is a great hit! While there have been rumors in the past regarding this outlet and the iPad 2 there has been absolutely nothing to substantiate them and it would seem the situation remains the same. However, a statement from the same source, that an iPad 2 launch at the toy store is “imminent” further exploits this rumor.
Apple and rumors seem to be a popular source of news recently, which probably suits the Apple marketing machine. However, one consideration is that it could make marketing sense, for the iPad 2 retailing in Toys ‘R’ Us stores. They already market “Playstations” and “Nintendos” and with the iPad increasingly perceived as a game console, it would not be out of place.
The investment firm of “Piper Jaffray” recently released results of a survey conducted with 4,500 American high school students. It is no surprise that Apple retains its place in the marketplace, as one of the most coveted brands. Reports indicate that 22% of the students polled possessed a tablet computer at the homes, which a further 20% expected buying one in the near future.
In the meantime, the “Apple” and its rumors roll on!

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